My Life, My Quit – Join Thousands of Teens Who Are Taking Their Lives Back

My Life, My Quit – Join Thousands of Teens Who Are Taking Their Lives Back

Quitting is worth it. Within minutes of quitting, your body begins to heal itself. The sooner you quit, the more likely you are to live the rest of your life without permanent damage to your body and health.

We get you. Thousands of teens have joined My Life, My Quit for free, non-judgmental support, 1:1 help to quit, and easy-to-follow tips from our friendly Coaches. Quitting alone is hard — quitting with support is easier!

The No. 1 type of praise to avoid if you want to raise ‘stronger, more mature’ kids: Harvard-trained parenting expert

The No. 1 type of praise to avoid if you want to raise ‘stronger, more mature’ kids: Harvard-trained parenting expert

Anxiety is part of the human experience and at times the word “anxiety” is watered down. People worry about a wide variety of things. Finances, job stability, relationships, child-rearing, health, and safety come to mind as common worries on a day-to-day basis. Not all worrying, however, qualifies as anxiety.

Anxiety disorders include disorders that share features of excessive fear and anxiety that negatively impact functioning. For kids, this might mean that anxiety makes it difficult to get to school each day, make and maintain friends, sleep at night, or focus in the classroom. For adults, work, romantic relationships, friendships, finances, and physical health can suffer. Anxiety manifests in many ways (physical, emotional, and behavioral), and there are several disorders that fall under “anxiety disorders.”

Tips for Achieving Mental Wellness through Physical Exercise, Healthy Eating and Coping Mechanisms

Anxiety is part of the human experience and at times the word “anxiety” is watered down. People worry about a wide variety of things. Finances, job stability, relationships, child-rearing, health, and safety come to mind as common worries on a day-to-day basis. Not all worrying, however, qualifies as anxiety.

Anxiety disorders include disorders that share features of excessive fear and anxiety that negatively impact functioning. For kids, this might mean that anxiety makes it difficult to get to school each day, make and maintain friends, sleep at night, or focus in the classroom. For adults, work, romantic relationships, friendships, finances, and physical health can suffer. Anxiety manifests in many ways (physical, emotional, and behavioral), and there are several disorders that fall under “anxiety disorders.”

Feed My Starving Children

Feed My Starving Children

Feed My Starving Children Feed My Starving Children Beth Schmidt 555 Exchange Ct. Aurora, IL 60504 (214) 649-5897 bschmidt@fmsc.orgDescription of Teen Volunteer Opportunities: Our process is simple. Donations fund the meal ingredients. Volunteers hand-pack the meals...

Dupage Children’s Museum

Dupage Children’s Museum

DuPage Children's Museum Jessica Greenlaw 301 N. Washington Street Naperville, IL 60540 (630) 637-8000 jgreenlaw@dupagechildrensmuseum.orgDescription of Teen Volunteer Opportunities: 1. Engage and play with children and their adults/families in DCM exhibits and...



WDSRA Heather Richardson 116 N Schmale Rd Carol Stream, IL 60188 (630) 681-0962 heatherr@wdsra.comPositions Available: Summer seasonal staff, day camp staff, inclusion aid, year round part time staff, volunteer. Minimum Hours per Week: 1 hr Minimum Age Requirement: 16...

Are You a Parent With Anxiety Disorder?

Anxiety is part of the human experience and at times the word “anxiety” is watered down. People worry about a wide variety of things. Finances, job stability, relationships, child-rearing, health, and safety come to mind as common worries on a day-to-day basis. Not all worrying, however, qualifies as anxiety.

Anxiety disorders include disorders that share features of excessive fear and anxiety that negatively impact functioning. For kids, this might mean that anxiety makes it difficult to get to school each day, make and maintain friends, sleep at night, or focus in the classroom. For adults, work, romantic relationships, friendships, finances, and physical health can suffer. Anxiety manifests in many ways (physical, emotional, and behavioral), and there are several disorders that fall under “anxiety disorders.”

A Word About Test Scores

Our culture is obsessed with numbers and data. In our jobs, many of us have a need to quantify and measure performance. Although standardized test scores like the SAT and ACT are important to some college admissions officers as indicators of a student's ability to do...

Playing Nicely With Others: Why Schools Teach Social Emotional Learning

If your children’s school seems to suddenly be devoting its time and resources to something called SEL, it may be leaving you wondering what happened to good old reading, writing and arithmetic (or even that new darling, coding). You’re not alone. SEL stands for social emotional learning, and it’s a hot topic at the moment among educators with good reason.

Can Emotional Intelligence Be Taught?

Once a small corner of education theory, S.E.L. has gained traction in recent years, driven in part by concerns over school violence, bullying and teen suicide. But while prevention programs tend to focus on a single problem, the goal of social-emotional learning is grander: to instill a deep psychological intelligence that will help children regulate their emotions.

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