YMCA of Metropolitan Chicago Melissa Janca 2120 95th Street Naperville, Illinois 60564 (630) 579-5722 mjanca@ymcachicago.org Positions Available: Full & Part Time opportunities in the following: Before & After School Instructors and Team Leads Lifeguards &...
Accelerate Climate Solutions Catherine Clarkin 34 W. Chicago Ave. Suite A Naperville, IL 60540 (630) 621-6176 cclarkin@accelerateclimatesolutions.org Organization Mission: Our mission is to create a sustainable future by helping adopt climate solutions within our...
Buddy Break Autumn Wouk 1310 Shepherd Dr. Naperville, IL 60565 (630) 800-0604 awouk@goodshepherd-naperville.org Organization Mission: Buddy Break is a monthly, respite opportunity for children with disabilities and their siblings provided at no charge. At Buddy Break,...
DuPage Children’s Museum Jessica Greenlaw 301 N. Washington Street Naperville, IL 60540 (630) 637-8000 jgreenlaw@dupagechildrensmuseum.org Organization Mission: DuPage Children’s Museum nurtures joyful discovery and learning. Description of Volunteer...
Feed My Starving Children Beth Schmidt 555 Exchange Court Aurora, IL 60504 (214) 649-5897 bschmidt@fmsc.org Organization Mission: To feed God’s starving children in body and spirit. The process is simple. Donations given by people just like you fund the meal...
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