The Prevalence of Loneliness Across 113 Countries: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

The Prevalence of Loneliness Across 113 Countries: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Anxiety is part of the human experience and at times the word “anxiety” is watered down. People worry about a wide variety of things. Finances, job stability, relationships, child-rearing, health, and safety come to mind as common worries on a day-to-day basis. Not all worrying, however, qualifies as anxiety.

Anxiety disorders include disorders that share features of excessive fear and anxiety that negatively impact functioning. For kids, this might mean that anxiety makes it difficult to get to school each day, make and maintain friends, sleep at night, or focus in the classroom. For adults, work, romantic relationships, friendships, finances, and physical health can suffer. Anxiety manifests in many ways (physical, emotional, and behavioral), and there are several disorders that fall under “anxiety disorders.”

Teen Brain Change

The stress of living through the pandemic physically changed adolescents’ brains and prematurely aged them by at least three or four years.

Coping With Stress

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a major effect on our lives. Learning to cope with stress in a healthy way will make you, the people you care about, and those around you become more resilient.

Coping With COVID-19: Managing Stress And Anxiety

Anxiety threatens to steal away our joy and peace by consuming our focus and kicking our imaginations into overdrive. Specifically with COVID-19, individuals are struggling with disquieting thoughts, such as worrying about infecting loved ones, dwelling on possible death, and feeling concerned for vulnerable populations.

The Pandemic’s Toll On Teen Mental Health

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released a report last week warning that adolescent hospitalizations due to Covid-19 were on the rise. But it isn’t true. The CDC misrepresented the data and played down a more important finding that provides further evidence that pandemic-control measures are likely having a serious adverse impact on young people’s mental health.

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