DuPage Children's Museum Logo

Buddy Break

Autumn Wouk

1310 Shepherd Drive



Organization Mission:

Buddy Break is a monthly, respite opportunity for children with disabilities and their siblings provided at no charge. At Buddy Break, all children are intentionally paired up one-on-one with a trained buddy. We play games, do projects, play in the gym, and have a lot of fun—all while parents and caregivers get a well-deserved break.

Description of Volunteer Opportunities:

Being a one-to-one buddy for a child with or without disabilities, giving them your undivided attention. There are multiple rooms filled with many opportunities to play with your buddy. Sensory bins, large gym for motor play (scooters, parachutes, bikes) indoor swings, trampolines, Barbie’s, cars, crafts, movie time. You name it you can do it with our buddy. It is a time of fun and interaction.

Minimum Age Requirement:

6th-8th graders must serve with a parent, HS students can serve one-on-one.

Skills or Experience Necessary:

Someone who can have fun! Engage with kids that typically can be more quiet, or be silly with kids that need more energy, be patient, listen, smile, attentive. Someone that loves to show kids they are important.

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