KidsMatter EVENTS
Browse for a free event happening in our community.
Kindness Counts Initiative
Help us continue to Make Kindness Count every day! This February, the Collaborative Youth team invites you to build belonging and community through kindness. Help us collect 1,000 experiences by submitting kindness stories starring YOU! Kindness begins with an action; how did you show kindness? How did your kindness positively impact another person?
Submit your story today!
March 8 | 8:00 AM – 2:00 PM CST
District 204 Mental Health Symposium
Indian Praire School District 204, in collaboration with five neighboring school districts
This year’s upcoming Mental Health Symposium will be at Metea Valley High School on March 8th from 8:00 am – 2:00 pm.
The Keynote Address will be presented by Doug Bolton on “Navigating a Culture of High Achievement.” Teenagers are experiencing unprecedented levels of stress and, as a result, many are struggling to cope effectively. This presentation will provide participants with new ways to understand regulation and provide strategies for managing our most stressful moments.
Don’t miss this invaluable opportunity! KidsMatter is so excited to be supporting this event again this year.
Saturday, March 15th | 8:00 A.M.
Naperville Sunrise Rotary’s St. Paddy’s Day 5k
Centennial Beach, – Downtown Naperville, IL 60540
We hope to see you shamrockin’ with us on Saturday, March 15 where we will be running/walking to help empower youth in our community. This year, KidsMatter is proud to be one of the event beneficiaries, alongside other amazing organizations Naperville YMCA (Fry Family Y) and Grow Wellness Foundation. Your participation directly supports our Teen Philanthropy Initiative, a program that offers students a way to engage in charitable giving, fundraising, and service projects in our community.
Register today!
World-renowned authors and clinicians present relevant, research-based information to support positive youth development.
Empowering kids to realize their purpose, know their value and find their pathway
KidsMatter works collaboratively with organizations and resources throughout the community, including mental health professionals, schools, public safety agencies, faith-based communities and local businesses. Our support and services impact roughly 45,000 youth throughout Will and DuPage counties.
Communication 101 for Tweens & Teens (And Parents)
Dr. Catherine Newman
February 8, 2023
Erin's Law Discussion
November 8, 2021
Adolescent Mental Health in 2021
Aaron Weiner
May 26, 2021
Educational Series: Keeping Our Kids Safe On Their Devices
Family Communication through COVID-19 and Stressful Times
Rich Wistocki
April 20, 2021
Educational Series: Family Matters
Family Communication through COVID-19 and Stressful Times
Christina Maki & Dr. Laura Bokar
March 10, 2021
Educational Series: E-Cigs, Vaping, and Marijuana
Dr. McBride
March 8, 2021
The Price You Pay for College: An Entirely New Road Map for the Biggest Financial Decision Your Family Will Ever Make
Ron Lieber
February 4, 2021

The Importance of Failure
January 27, 2021
7:00-7:40 pm
Zoom Virtual Discussion
Educational Series: Common Genius Uncommon Destiny
November 11, 2020

Resilient University
KidsMatter welcomes Tom Klisiewicz to present “Resilient University”. Teaching Mindfulness, Mediation and other practical Scientifically supported Resiliency Strategies to reduce Stress, Perform at your Peak and Live Healthier, Happier Lives
September 30, 2020
7:00 – 7:40 pm CST
Educational Series: Road to Recovery
July 22, 2020
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