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Naperville Environment and Sustainability Task Force (NEST)

Cathy Clarkin

116 S. West St., Naperville 60540



Organization Mission:

The Naperville Environment & Sustainability Task Force assists, informs, and advises City government and Naperville residents and businesses to identify, prioritize, and implement sustainability initiatives and greenhouse gas reduction, with the goal of creating a sustainable, resilient, carbon-free future for Naperville.

Description of Volunteer Opportunities:

The NEST Youth team advocates for sustainable initiatives within the school districts and city government. During the 2023/2024 school year they will be focusing on waste reduction and improving and expanding recycling. They are also helping to organize an environmental problem-solving challenge called BLAST – Building Leadership Around Sustainable Transformation. (BLAST is being organized in cooperation with KidsMatter). We are looking for both participants in BLAST and volunteers to help with organization.

Minimum Age Requirement:


Skills or Experience Necessary:

Anyone who cares about climate change and the environment and wants to learn more. No previous experience is necessary. Being able to work as part of a team is helpful.

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