Mark Rising
Board Member

Mark Rising
KidsMatter Board Member
Indian Prairie School District 204
Board of Education Member
Mark Rising is an Indian Prairie School District 204 Board of Education member. Mark has 25 years of sales and management experience and currently serves as a Director for an education company that works with public and private schools in Illinois.
Mark and his family have lived in the community for over 22 years. Both of his daughters attended District 204 schools. One is graduated and one currently in high school. For the past eight years Mark has served on the Board and in 2019 was re-elected to his 3rd term. Additionally, Mark has mentored dozens of middle and junior high school students in the past 5 years.
Mark’s other passions are supporting our special needs students and working on diversity issues that impact our community and schools for the past 10 years. You will often find Mark attending a meeting advocating for our students on issues that impact our school from a local and state level.
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