Hesed House
Alec Jones
659 S River St
Aurora, IL 60506
(630) 897-2156
Organization Mission:
To feed the hungry, clothe the naked, shelter the homeless, and give people the chance to hope again
Description of Volunteer Opportunities:
Our biggest need is providing and serving meals to our guests. We feed and care for over 200 guests every day, and we do this with the help of the amazing volunteers that come through our doors every day to feed those in need and put a smile on the face of a stranger. We also have off site activities for kids to participate like hosting a donation drive or preparing sack lunches for our guests.
Minimum Age Requirement:
12 (must be accompanied by an adult)
Skills or Experience Necessary:
Empathy is in everything we do at Hesed. Our volunteers embrace that it is at the core of caring for those in need.
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