May 19, 2022
Statement from KidsMatter CEO and Executive Director Nina Menis
The leadership of KidsMatter would like to take this opportunity to reaffirm our unflinching dedication to serving youth and families across communities in DuPage and Will counties and to also make clear the record on recent events surrounding a former volunteer for our board of trustees.
On Tuesday, Erich Kroll, a volunteer who was serving as vice president of the fundraising board, was arrested on child pornography charges by DuPage County authorities. In the news release announcing his arrest, DuPage County State’s Attorney Robert Berlin stated that the allegations against Mr. Kroll were in no way affiliated with KidsMatter.
Mr. Kroll was not involved in any of the programming that KidsMatter and its partners provide to youth and families. His role was limited to fundraising and strategy.
The KidsMatter board met immediately Wednesday and voted to remove Mr. Kroll as a board member and fundraiser – roles that were volunteer positions working with other adults.
Child protection practices are in place both at KidsMatter and at our partners, and they apply to everyone who works with youth in our programs.
Nevertheless, we are going to take this opportunity to review and, if ever necessary, strengthen our practices around protecting the youth we serve. Nothing is more important to us.
As a 501(c)3 organization under the guidance of civic, educational, and government leaders, KidsMatter has for two decades pursued its mission of helping young people build positive values, healthy relationships, and greater self-esteem. We work collaboratively with our partners and other organizations throughout Will and DuPage counties, including schools, public safety agencies, faith-based communities, and local businesses.
We want to thank our many partners and supporters who share our unwavering commitment to ensuring the safety, health, and development of youth. We pledge to continue to earn your trust and to serve our communities in the most caring, effective, and transparent approach we can provide.
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